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Tough day - with some perks.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Well, as a friend once told me, “John—if this is the worst thing that happens to you today, you’re going to be doing alright.” I like that phrase - because it does help put things in perspective. There are a lot worse things out there, I’m thankful for what I do have and what I don’t have at the same time! In fact, the day was just fine, but my attitude towards the day

is what needed adjustment.

But today was really good in once sense. I was able to finish formatting The Lamb in Russian, printed it out, and mailed it to the translator. She is leaving for Russia at the end of the month, so I’m thrilled to have it in her hands for the trip (it hasn’t made it quite yet - it’s still sitting in the ‘out box’.) But having that ready for her to take and use to ‘fine-tune’ it is just so cool. So, Portuguese is winding down, all that’s left is Dutch, German and Luxembourgish (2 of which are roughed in already.) Don’t get your hopes up too quickly - still a lot of work to do…

We purchased a couple equipment racks for the office here - one for the GS Server stuff, and the other for my video equipment. Now I have the job of setting that all up.

Oh, and it snowed today. Most of it’s melted off but it was fun while it lasted. Lloyd and I watched it for a while…

And just for grins, I did a rough count on my ‘to do’ list - and it’s up to 136 things…

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec