John's comments from life.
Trip home from Mt. Vernon
Today started out waking up at 6:00 am, which wasn’t too good, as I needed more. Gene and Rose were up, and Gene and I decided to go flying.
We just toured around the islands around Mt Vernon, and it was a nice, smooth early morning ride, which was real nice. Thanks Gene!
I headed home after that, arriving in CDA around 3:00. It was around 6 hours on the road, and was thankful to get home.
Worked in the office for a bit, and being super tired, I left 8 minutes early!

Russian Strangers
This morning (1:00 AM) I pulled into Federal Way, and crashed on the floor of the Snyders (thanks for getting up and letting me in!!)
Up at 7:00, breakfast (blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs) I was ready to go. Alex called (my contact to pick up the Russian Stranger books) called, and we planned to meet at 10:30 at the warehouse.
I arrived there ok, but Alex was about 20 min late. He arrived in a big U-Haul, and there were about 8 other people waiting to get books as well - all Russians. They didn’t talk English very well, and hence we didn’t communicate much ~!
The container that came over from Russia was found, and unfortunately, the load shifted in transport. That means that the pallets of neatly stacked books were not-so-neat anymore. It wasn’t as bad as could be, with only about 4 skids that needed to be off-loaded by hand. But they only allowed 3 of us in the warehouse at a time for ‘security reasons.’ Being the odd-duck, I stayed outside and waited until they got to my skid (which was in the front, and thankfully, in good shape.) Once they got to my skid, I packed the truck and headed up North, but not after giving these Russian speakers a copy of the book!
I made it to Gene’s place of work and helped out until quiting time at 4:00.
Once at his home, I took a nap for a couple hours. Supper was delayed because the pork wasn’t cooked long enough (Jessy’s first time cooking solo) so we played cards while it finished up in the oven. But it was very good when all was said and done at around 8:30! Good times.

Sunday: a rest and a ride
Church today was good, in 1 Jn 3 - talking about sin and the believer. It ended with communion.
After lunch, I hit the road, and put 50.8 miles down on the bike in 3:38:35, averaging around 15.7 mph (moving average - I did stop a couple times for a breather.) I went to Spokane and back, but didn’t make it to Krispy Kreeme.
Week's end
No real news on the condo, so I’ll just wait and see. All I’m waiting for is that the last page of the contract wasn’t faxed in (probably in by now, just haven’t heard) and then for the bank to come through. But there’s not really much I can do but to wait. No real hurry anyway, it won’t be finished till mid June anyway.
This week has been a challenge moving to the Mac. For the average person, I think it would be quite simple. But running the programs I have aren’t made for the Mac, so I have to either figure out how to run them on Windows in the Mac (a slick operation, and is working for some), or to find another software solution that is made for the Mac to do what I need to do. Either way it’s a work-flow change, which I think is the hardest part.
This week we also posted a new book on the website: By This Name. You’ll have to check it out!