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If Jesus isn't the Messiah, there will be no Messiah.

Friday, November 03, 2006
  1. The Messiah is from the Line of David.
  2. To be able to verify that the Messiah is the true Messiah, you need verification that he is indeed from King David’s line.
  3. No Jew alive today can trace their descendants to King David, because those records were destroyed in 70 AD when the Romans sacked Jerusalem. Those records were kept in the temple, which was burned and totally destroyed.
  4. With no viable record today, the only option left is that Jesus is the Messiah.

While I don’t agree that this line of reasoning is the most compelling, it does make you stop and thing a bit. The most compelling argument is over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament pointing to the Messiah, which were fulfilled by Jesus.

I remember sitting in a Synagogue listening to one speak that the prophecies in the Old Testament “didn’t really mean what they said.” Let me ask, that if the text didn’t mean what it said (if God was unwilling to make it understandable), then who is the ‘ultimate authority’ to be able to let us know what it meant? Do we each get a shot at it?

If you need an outside source to say that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, then that outside source has become your final authority, not the Bible.

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec