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Bible Camp with the GS team

Sunday, October 29, 2006

I just ran into town, so I thought I would write a quick update.
This week has been very busy, as we have had people from Russia, Canada, Australia, Luxemburg and Brazil. I don’t know if I can count all the languages that can be spoken by this group!
This week included many things, like shipping boxes of books (may come to an end next week as LR returns!), printing out several copies of different translation works in progress for some of these folks to check, and trying to get further along on some of my own projects. I tell people I only work half days—12 hours. (Got that from Mr. Gavitt in RI.) But—some days even stretch into 14 (and some less…)

But for Friday - Sunday we are having a time in the Word, and are enjoying every minute of it.
I’ll have to post photos later - I need to get back and go to sleep (even though I get an extra hour tonight—so they tell me.)
Dr. Renald Showers is the main speaker, discussing the 2 different views of world history - Covenant Theology and Dispensational Theology, and has been a good time learning about both. I have learned a lot this weekend!

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec