Jim's, and then to Glacier National park
Tuesday, July 04, 2006I had breakfast at Beat and Clivia’s before heading to John’s. He had just one short wire to run in the garage before it’s ready to insulate and board up. I did the wiring a while back, but forgot this one run.
Then I went to Jim’s for a quick lesson on web design - which I hope to take advantage of here in the near future. It was one of those hour and a half packed with so much stuff that you can’t remember much, other than the fact that you faintly remember that the software could do something like this. then later, you just have to look a bit through the help files and you are on your way. It was very helpful indeed!
And, after all was said and done, I started driving south to the border by just before noon.
I didn’t do much on the Canadian side (of Glacier National Park), mainly because I didn’t really know where the GoesInto was, and found out about it after I was way past. So I just proceeded to cross the border back into the US.
This was the worst crossing I think I’ve had so far. The lady grilled me for a while - I don’t think she liked the Israel / Egypt / Jordan / India / Korea stamps in my Passport. But finding nothing that she could hang me on, it ended with, “You can go.”
Glacier National Park I think is the best that I have visited so far. To me it beats Yellowstone - but every one has it’s own interests I guess. But this is quite amazing. I wanted to hike to Hidden Lake, but I must have driven past without noticing any signs, and hence - didn’t. Which I think was good, because I needed to get to a campground that would take me in before it got too late. I think I pulled into this one (Big Bend) at around 9:00.
Armed only with a pack of hotdogs (10) and buns (8), I proceeded to chow down and transfer / build the day’s photos.
Oh, and not having a tent (didn’t take the time to pack correctly before leaving Idaho) I got to sleep in the car tonight. I’ll let you know how it went tomorrow.