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Drive back from Oregon today...

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today was a long day - not because of large amounts of work that needed to be done, but just getting started to get home to actually arriving at the driveway was just an ordeal. I was still pretty wiped out from climbing trees, and so Barney drove the way as I studied my eyelids from the inside. I didn’t see much.
Just before Tri-Cities, we stopped to look at the trailer, as Barney thought it was acting strangely every once in a while. Good thing we did, because there was only 1 lug nut holding the right tire on, and that is an over-statement. So, with the help of a friendly camper who lent us a 13/16”, we were able to steal a couple one off the other side, and make it to the nearest Walmart.
Here at WM, it took 3 tries to get the right size lug nut. That means we bought a set, didn’t fit, brought it back and tried again. Eventually we made it just fine, except for the fact that I broke one of the lugs back at the rest area. No worries, 3 will be just fine for a small trailer and 200 miles.
We arrived at around 8:30 pm. Good to be home, and ready to start work again!

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec