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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Well, this morning, rolling over in bed, I felt the room go vertical! “Oh, great,” I thought, actually made me wonder what’s going on here. Not sure what was happening, I at least managed to get out and around, after throwing up once. Vertigo sure gave me an upset stomach, which caused me to throw up 4x over the course of the day. I had breakfast (not a good idea) and went to the jobsite, as we had a volunteer coming and wanted to make sure the building was at least open. Once he came, I was going to go to the Walk In clinic to see what was happening. But Gary came first, so I was free to go. And I went. Saw Dr. Allen Hovie (who knows me and goes to our church!) After a brief exam, and getting me really dizzy, he said, “That’s good! Here, go to Youtube, search for this and follow the instructions.” I wasn’t sure what to think about that, but I saw the video with him, went home and did it. It really made me dizzy going through that, but it did help a lot. It wasn’t a quick fix, as I was pretty worthless the rest of the day, but the next day things were almost normal.

Here’s my problem:

Particle repositioning maneuver is a treatment based on the idea that the condition is caused by displacement of small stones in the balance center (vestibular system) of the inner ear. The head is repositioned to move the stones to their normal position. This maneuver is repeated until the abnormal eye movements are no longer visible. (taken from:

So, here’s what I had to do:

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec