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Web store -- office work

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Just spend the day tied to my chair and worked on converting the webstore. What I’m doing is changing the location of the store (and henceforth all the links there in needs to be updated) so that we can easily duplcate this into 4 more stores. So my job is to basically re-link every link in the goodseed website (not really,  but sure seems that way.) Made good progress on it today, and hopefully we’ll be able to actually move to this site tomorrow.
After supper came back and worked on the book for the interactive Stranger. Started at chapter six, and went up through chapter 10 on the book part. The video was finished last Friday (I really thought that I typed something then, but - if I did, it didn’t make it here.) And if this write-up doesn’t flow very well, it’s because of the same reason why I’m going home right now.

Back to the main page.

Copyright 2006 John Krajec