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(short) Roadtrip and Webdesign.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Interesting day today. Woke up at 5:00 to provide transporation for Tom and 2 buddies. We drove to drop one car at one part of a bike trail, then I rode with them to the top of lookout mountain. They then dis-embarked and rode, while I drove the van back to where my car was, and then headed home. They had a 47 or so mile ride ahead of them, starting out with 6 miles on the interstate (downhill, so that part was.) But it was a neat way to start the day.
Back in the office (several projects on the go) Russ asked me to run to the Post Office, which I did. But right before I got there, I realized I didn’t have my wallet - and figured out that it was in the van still. So I came back to the office, where Russ gave me a check. Back to the Post Office—just to find it was closed! Apparently they don’t open on Saturdays. Oh, well - no one likes ‘wasting time’ like that, but I had to get over it.
Spent the rest of the day figuring out our webstore (at and converting it to accomidate 4 other stores (for Canada, Australia, UK and French Canada.) Basically spent the rest of the day working on that, and by the end of the day got a good handle on it—it’s coming together nicely. I have just to implement the changes that I uncovered to the rest of the pages—nothing (from my standpoint) to figure out, but there will be something that’ll stump me, I’m sure.
After supper I lounged around with the Legers for a couple movies. Nice to chill for a bit.

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec