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Bible study lessons

Friday, October 31, 2008

It is good to hear positive things about projects that you have worked on. I must admit, I don't know much of how the products I've help build have helped others, (many of you helped me help build these products--we all have a part in this) simply because it's probably not really thought of to write the producers. We have sold around 5,000 bible study lessons -- in the DVD video sets (which is good I think, considering we haven't really marketed them yet.) The other day, a story came in that was very encouraging to me:

StoryTime: “Just thought I would encourage you with some news of The Stranger DVD course in the UK prisons. I am a chaplain in one of the high security prisons here in England. Over my 13 years in the prison ministry I have used every course that is available. In November of 2007 I began using the Stranger course. As far as I am aware this is the first time it has been used in a UK prison. I have to say that the Lord began to work immediately. Over the last months the Lord has saved a number of men in most remarkable ways and they are living to prove the reality of their conversion. I cannot tell you all the individual stories but be assured the Lord has honoured your exercise here and is working in a wonderful way. I can honestly say that the course is by far the most effective and scriptural course I have ever see, both outside and inside prison. We have also used it amongst the local population around our church building.”

As many of you are prayer or financial partners in my ministry, I want to pass on to you my “thanks” as well as the “thanks” contained in the above email. I couldn't do what I do without people behind supporting and praying, and I thank you.

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec