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Fridge is on

Monday, May 05, 2008

Hey, today I plugged in my fridge. May not seem much to you, but after sitting in storage and my garage for 8 months, I thought it was a means to celebrate. What this means is that the kitchen is pretty well done. All that’s left is the need of a new floor, but that will come in time. I was a little disappointed that the LED display was yellow, and not blue, but that’s just how it goes.
See, there is the possibility of me housing 6 people next week, and because of that, it helped me finish some things that were just hanging around, waiting to be done. So, now at least I’m sorta-ready, if they indeed decide to stay (they may just grab a room in Spokane, as that’s where their conference is.)

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec