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In the Office, and mudding at the church, Angels

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Spent the morning here in the office today, working on this, that, and the other. Finished off some product photography—getting it ready for Jim.
After lunch, I went to help out at the church, in the form of mudding, sanding and some drywall. I only stayed about 3 hours today.
So, back in the office again, stayed tonight to plan a new menu for the Stranger DVD. There’s more to this than I can put here, but let’s just say, I’ve plenty of work to do!
Oh, about the angels. We received 10 Angel Awards (Excellence in Media) today (2 copies of each) for the videos that we worked on back in NTM. The titles are: EE-TAOW!, EE-TAOW! The Next Chapter, When Things Seem Impossible, The Taliabo Story, and Delivered from the Power of Darkness. One set will be for the office here, the other going North to our Canadian office.
I just looked at the 2006 winners for the Silver Angel - and there’s only 11 in the Video/DVD category, one of which is the Stranger DVD series. I thought there would be a lot more!

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec