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New Projects

Saturday, November 03, 2007

I’ve been working on several new projects. They seem to come in waves. But thankfully, they are all projects that to a varying degree can’t be done all at once.
I have 3 AudioBooks on my slate (The Stranger - Edition 3a, All that the Prophets have Spoken, and By This Name.) These require a little re-write before they can be recorded (to fit the audio format.) So I’ve been roughing these changes in and sending them up to John to finish off.
Other things include roughing in a new book, based on The Lamb, but to help explain what Christmas and Easter is all about. It’ll be sort of a give-away type book, more like a track than The Stranger, but looking like it’ll be around 60 pages or so.
That and the normal answer phones and pack books (on Wednesdays). And make coffee, vacuum, take out the trash…you know all the office stuff that needs to be done too.

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec