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Toyota Day, New logo and mud.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Interesting day, so it was. Fist of all, we had an office meeting where we got to view the new logo that we will be implementing sometime soon. Very nice indeed.
Then, with my Toyota Ticket in hand, I drove Torri (sp?) as Tom drove Lina and Lori drove Matty and Noby to Silverwood park. I get a free pass when I drive my Toyota in, and being the generous fellow that I am, gave my ticket away. The lady at the gate (trying to get $4 for parking) had a hard time with my conversation skills. But in the end it worked out just fine.
Spent the rest of the daylight in the day helping mud some wall board (commonly known as Sheetrock.) Spent about 6 hours there before going home for dinner.
Back to the office tonight to work on cutting some photos I had taken a while back (new products for the web.)

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec