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An encouraging letter

Friday, April 02, 2010

This encouraging email came in the other day to a co-worker, and I thought I’d share it with you!

Subject: By This Name books

Hello Larry,*

I thought it good to share with you all the cool things God has been doing here through the BTN books you sent. I prayed that God would use the box of books any way he like, and that they wouldn’t just sit in my room. Sure enough, one week in I gave Bill* a BTN. He isn’t a reader, but he read it in about two weeks.

When people heard that he read the whole thing, and liked it because it helped make sense of the Bible, they said that they too wanted a copy. Frank, our church treasurer, asked for one, and told me today at coffee that he is really liking it too. He wanted to know if there is a book that picks up where the BTN leaves off. Dave, our men’s ministry starter, two nights ago said that him and his wife both are reading through it.

This Sunday for Easter, the church plans to give away a BTN to anyone who wants to understand the big picture of the Bible, and they have people willing to disciple anyone willing through the book. On top of that Jim (a youth in high school) and I are on page 100. Cindy, and Michelle are going through it together. Roy (in the army from our church) is reading it. I really am excited to see people get excited about understanding the gospel. This whole time I’ve only had to give one away, the rest of them came to find me, and ask for one.

I don’t write all these stories to praise just a book. I hope to encourage you that God is using your work to impact lives here in Wisconsin for His own glory. I would say that most of the people excited to read this book have been going to church for 10 years or longer. Thanks for the books.


(*in keeping with GoodSeed policy, the names have been changed.)

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