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The most memorial ride yet.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

It started out like any other ride around Hayden Lake (I didn’t want to bore you with another map.) But 2/3 on the trip, we (Barney and I) noticed that a big black cloud was coming our way, but the front of it was a neat orange. Come to find out later, as sand and dirt was being thrown in our faces, that it was a dust cloud preceding the storm. That was all find and good (head-wind no less) but after that was pea-sized hail, then rain. Branches were all over the road, 3 trees were across even. And we were soaked to the skin. Went from being too hot to too cold in about 2 min. But, we made it home just fine, but not the best time, I’m afraid.

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec