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Still slinging mud

Friday, February 23, 2007

I’m still helping out in Jim’s basement, finishing up the sheetrock mud job. It’s going well, probably a couple more days yet to go to finish things off.
Yesterday Trevor came in and framed in the arch doorway, and then I hung the rock around it. It’s now taped and has the first coat of mud, and will sit for a day before I get back to it. But all in all I’m pleased how it’s going—I learned a lot from the last time (where I helped out with 2 bathrooms and a hallway a couple weeks ago.)
But I did buy a new tool (you see, a job’s not worth doing unless you can buy a new tool.) It’s nothing major - just a floor scraper - but something that will be a big help in days to come.
Tomorrow looks like fixing some shelves at the GS office. Oh, and answer the phone.

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Copyright 2006 John Krajec