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Interface 1996, May - trip to Gende

The trip to Gende was a neat time, short, but definitely worth being able to help out the Legers. On the way in, we flew several flights to the nearest airstrip, and waited for the helicopter to shuttle us over to the tribe. That afternoon, the chopper was socked in (fog in the mountains) so he never showed (and we had no radio contact, so, we stayed the night there.) The next morning, he finally came, we shuttled things over and got to work. However, we didn’t have that luxury on the way out, where we had to hike the trip - it was either 6 miles or 6 hours (or both!). Once we got to the strip, we could hear our plane circling around overhead, be he couldn’t land because of the cloud cover. He was there about an hour before he managed to find a hole to drop down, pick us up and take us home. Neat trip.

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